Wednesday, November 17, 2010

poem ("The Pedestrian")

I walk in the darkness and coldness;

I walk in the chilling winds and gloomy clouds;

I walk in this isolation and loneliness.

Passing each house along my way,

they were just objects with neither temperature nor feeling.

Where are the warm, orange lights that shine?

Passing each empty street along my way,

I hear nothing but the silent wind blowing.

Where are the loving families and happy laughters?

How technologies have changed our lives!

They provided convenience and advance,
but took away our simple happy in life;

they brought the world closer to us,

yet made the isolated feeling spreading;

they made communications easier,

but invaded the true feelings.

How technologies have changed our lives.

I lingering in the empty streets,

I see nothing but the lonely leaves waving in the winds.

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